If you have previously borrowed a title from OverDrive:
Refer to the title information in the catalog. Double-check the title Format (
eBook or
eAudiobook) and make sure the Vendor is OverDrive.
Click the Download button and enter your account information.
Choose the Checkout Option that works with your device. Not sure? Choose HTML (eBooks) or OverDrive Listen (eAudiobooks) to keep your options open.
If you are new to borrowing from OverDrive:
Refer to the title information in the catalog. Double-check the title Format (
eBook or
Create an OverDrive account with an email address and password of you choice (not required but recommended).
- Find instructions for getting started with your device on OverDrive Help.
Visit the OverDrive website or app to find the title and borrow the eBook or eAudiobook there, or follow the instructions above to check out from the Library Catalog.
We're here to help! If you would like additional assistance, please contact us.