Nov 15, 2018     Views: 515

Residents of Andover: Bring proof of residence (preferably a Driver's License. New residents can bring lease, canceled mail, utility bill, etc.) to our Circulation Desk. Post office boxes are acceptable as mailing addresses; however, proof of Andover residence is required. Children under 16 may obtain a card based on the ID of the accompanying parent.

Residents of towns whose libraries belong to the Merrimack Valley Library Consortium: Get a card at your home town library. Use it here.

Residents of other Massachusetts towns: Get a card at your home town library. Bring your card and proof of your residence in that town to our Circulation Desk and we will register you to borrow in our system.

Out of state residents employed at an Andover location of a private employer or Town of Andover employee: You may obtain a 1 year card which can be renewed each year. You need to show ID and proof that your employer is based in Andover. These cards are for Andover use only; you will not be able to reserve items over the Internet.

Phillips Academy students: You may register for a temporary card. You must show PA ID. If you reside within MVLC must have a card in your hometown library.

Merrimack College students: If you reside on campus, you may register for a temporary card, which expires in mid-April each year, but can be reactivated in September. You must show college ID and license. After mid-April, you must obtain an ILL form from the McQuade library to check out materials. Summer school students can extend cards upon proof of enrollment in summer school. Commuting students follow the policies based on residence.